Family Dedications

Family Dedications

Family dedications are to recognize the divine institution of family that God has provided and to acknowledge the responsibility in the raising up of children. We see biblical examples of parents dedicating their children to the Lord in Moses & Jochebed, in Samuel & Hanna, Eli, and Jesus & Joseph/Mary. This dedication does NOT guarantee salvation of eternal life. It is a recognition by parents that children beloved to God and are a gift He has entrusted to us. It is a coming to God and our church family for 3 reasons: 1. To present the child to God for His blessing. 2. To dedicate themselves as parents to their task of discipleship. 3. To ask for help and prayers from the church family.

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El Dorado Hills

Sundays 8:15am, 9:45am & 11:30am

931 Lassen Lane, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


Sundays 9:00am

2954 Schnell School Rd, Placerville, CA 95667

Mother Lode

Sundays 10:00am

870 Beach Ct, Lotus, CA 95651

Mount Shasta

Sundays 9:45am

520 North Mt. Shasta Blvd Unit A Mount Shasta CA 96067